An Environmental Friendly Process for the Production of High Grade Synthetic Rutile from Low Grade Ilmenite

Ilmenite (FeTiO3) and rutile (TiO2) are the natural minerals exploited worldwide for the production of pigment grade TiO2 and titanium metal. CSIR-NIIST has developed an environment friendly process which is superior in terms of pollution abatement, technology and the grade of synthetic rutile. This technology has been successfully demonstrated for two private industries where around 700 metric tons of Ilmenite has been processed to obtain 570 metric tons of metallized ilmenite (83-85%) with two commercial Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) rotary kilns of capacity 50 TPD and 130 metric tons of synthetic rutile has been produced. The process conditions of individual operations have been tailor-made to suit the available various grade of Indian ilmenite. This metallization process part will be useful for titania slag technology where the energy consumption can be drastically reduced
Advantages :
Environment friendly, cost effective technology, by product utilization.
- Commerical Status :
- Technology Readniess Level : Technology Demonstration Industiral Application :
Patent Number :
- IN196947
- Research Area :