Dr.Vasanth Ragavan K

- Dr.Vasanth Ragavan K
- Scientist
- [email protected]
- 0471-2515443
- https://niist.irins.org/profile/236662
- Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (Food Technology) (2016)
CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysore.
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), New Delhi, India
Research Advisors: Dr. Navin K Rastogi & Dr. M S Thakur - M.Tech. in Food Technology (2011)
Centre for Food Technology, ACT Campus, Anna university, Chennai - B.Tech. in Biotechnology (2008)
SNCET, Anna University, Chennai
Professional Experience
- Scientist (2020 Nov – present)
Agro-Processing Technology Division, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram. - Post-Doctoral Fellow (2019-2020)
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Guelph, Canada
Project: Developing plant based meat analogues (Funded by GFI & OMAFRA) - Post-Doctoral Fellow (2018-19)
Plant Agriculture, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Canada
Project: Developing nano-solutions for enhancing shelf-life of tree fruits - Sessional Lecturer (Winter 2019)
School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Canada
Course: ENGG*2660 Biological Engineering Systems - Post-Doctoral Research Scientist (2017-18)
School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Canada
Project: On-farm field trial for validating point of care sensors - Assistant Professor (2016-17)
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Rajasthan, India
Courses taught: Food Engineering, Food Chemistry, Food Quality & Safety, Nutraceuticals - Senior Research Fellow (2013-2016)
Food Engineering Department, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore - Junior Research Fellow (2011-2013)
Fermentation Technology & Bioengineering Department, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore
Achievements & Awards
Awards & Achievements
- Selected for Accelerator Guelph Pilot Cohort training by Research Innovation Office, University of Guelph, Canada. 2018 Jan
- Awarded CICS, DST & DBT Travel fellowship to attend Nano Today–2015 Conference, Dubai, UAE. 2015 Nov
- Awarded the Best PhD Student of CSIR-CFTRI. 2014 Oct
- Awarded the Best Poster Award at XXII-ICFoST-2012. 2012 Dec
- Recipient of CSIR–JRF (GATE) fellowship for PhD. 2011 Aug
- Qualified in GATE-2011 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering). 2011 Mar
- Recipient of DST/Anna University fellowship for pursuing M.Tech. 2009 Aug
- Awarded 1st prize in oral presentation at Biozest-06. 2006 Oct
- Awarded 1st prize in Technical paper presentation at SNCET. 2006 Mar
- Multi mimetic heterogeneous catalytic activity of graphene palladium nanocomposite with potential application in sensors. K.V.Ragavan, Patrick Egan, Suresh Neethirajan*. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 273 (2018) 1385-1394.
- Chitosan as a peroxidase mimic: Paper based sensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide. K.V. Ragavan#, Syed Rahin Ahmed#, Xuan Weng & Suresh Neethirajan. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 272 (2018) 8-13.
- Biosensors for Sustainable Food Engineering: Challenges and Perspectives. S. Neethirajan, K.V. Ragavan, X. Weng & R Chand. Biosensors 8 (2018) 23.
- Nano-biosensor platforms for detecting food allergens – New trends. S. Neethirajan, X. Weng, A. Tah, J.O. Cordero & K.V.Ragavan. Sens. Bio-Sens. Res. 18 (2018) 13-30.
- Advances in biosensors and optical assays for diagnosis and detection of malaria. K.V. Ragavan, S. Kumar, S. Swaraj & S. Neethirajan. Biosens. Bioelectron. 105 (2018) 188-210.
- Agro-defense: Biosensors for food from healthy animals and crops. S. Neethirajan, K.V. Ragavan & X. Weng. Trends Food. Sci. Technol. 73 (2018) 25-44.
- Beta-Cyclodextrin capped graphene-magnetite nanocomposite for selective adsorption of Bisphenol-A. K.V. Ragavan & N.K. Rastogi. Carbohyd. Polym. 168 (2017) 129–137.
- Graphene – Copper oxide nanocomposite with intrinsic peroxidase activity for enhancement of chemiluminescence signals and its application for detection of Bisphenol-A. K.V. Ragavan & N.K. Rastogi. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 229 (2016) 570-580.
- Synergistic catalysis by gold nanoparticles and metal ions for enhanced chemiluminescence. Richa Sharma#, K.V. Ragavan#, K.S. Abhijith, Akanksha & M.S. Thakur. RSC Adv.5 (2015) 31434-31438. *Equal contribution
- Recent advances in nanoparticle based aptasensors for food contaminants. R. Sharma, K.V. Ragavan, M.S. Thakur & K.S.M.S. Raghavarao. Biosens. Bioelectron. 74 (2015) 612-627.
- Sensors and biosensors for Bisphenol-A (BPA) analysis. K.V. Ragavan, N.K. Rastogi & M.S. Thakur. Trends Anal. Chem. 53 (2013) 248-260.
- Functionalized aptamers as nano-bioprobes for ultrasensitive detection of Bisphenol-A. K.V. Ragavan, L.S. Selvakumar & M.S. Thakur. Chem. Comm. 49 (2013) 5960-5962.
- Gold nanoparticles enhanced chemiluminescence – A novel approach for sensitive detection of Aflatoxin-B1. K.S. Abhijith, K.V. Ragavan, & M.S. Thakur. Anal. Meth. 5 (2013) 4838-4845.
- Immunodipstick based gold nanosensor for vitamin B12 in fruit and energy drinks. L.S. Selvakumar, K.V. Ragavan, K.S. Abhijith & M.S. Thakur. Anal. Meth. 5 (2013) 1806-1810.
- Biosensors in food processing. M. S. Thakur & K.V. Ragavan. J. Food. Sci. Technol. 50 (2013) 625-641.
Anoop A A |
Anns Annie Gigi |
Raamapriya V |
Keerthi Ravi |
Books & Book Chapters
- “Nanoparticles as biosensors for food quality and safety assessment”, K.V. Ragavan, Suresh Neethirajan* In ‘Nanomaterials for Food Applications’ (1st edition) edited by L.R. Amparo, M. Rovira, M. Sanz & L.G. Gomez-Mascaraque, Elsevier, 2019. ISBN: 978-012-81-4130-4.
- “Nano-aptamer Based Quantitative Detection of Chloramphenicol”, Richa Sharma, K.V. Ragavan, K.S.M.S. Raghavarao and M.S. Thakur. In Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering edited by B.D. Prasanna, S.N. Gummadi, P.V. Vadlani, Springer, 2016. ISBN: 978-981-10-1919-7 Citations: –
- “Industrial Food Processing Contaminants”, K.V. Ragavan, N.K. Rastogi & A.K. Srivastava. In Food Toxicology edited by D. Bagchi & A. Swaroop. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. ISBN: 978-149-87-0874-6.
Research Interest
Research Interest
Food processing, New product development and Value addition of agro-food produce
Reviewership in Journals
Reviewer and Editorial Activities
- MDPI Sustainability – Guest Editor for special issue on “Sustainable Food”
- Reviewer in the following journals
- Food Chemistry,
- Food Hydrocolloids,
- Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology,
- Journal of Food Engineering,
- Critical Reviews in Microbiology,
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics,
- Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
- Trends in Food Science and Technology
- Journal of Food Science and Technology,
- Microchemical Journal,
- Journal of Luminescence
Oral/Poster/Paper Presentations
- Physical properties of spray dried maple powder. P. Thirunathan, D. Vuppu, M Annamalai, R.N. Waduge, K.V.Ragavan. ASABE 2018, Annual International Meeting, Detroit, USA. Poster presentation
- Physical, chemical and nutritional quality of maple syrup powder produced by spray drying. R.N. Waduge, P. Thirunathan, D. Vuppu, M Annamalai, K.V.Ragavan. CSBE-SCGAB 2018 AGM and Technical Conference, Guelph, Canada. Poster presentation
- Synthesis of fluorescent metal nanoclusters for the detection of food contaminant. S. Swaraj & K.V.Ragavan*. INTENSE-2017, Amity University Rajasthan, India. Poster presentation
- Nano-aptamer based quantitative detection of chloramphenicol. Richa Sharma, K.V. Ragavan, K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, and M. S. Thakur. ICACE-2015, NITK Surathkal, India. Oral presentation
- Microwave assisted novel synthesis of Graphene-Copper oxide nano-composite and its catalytic application for enhancement of chemiluminescence signals. K.V. Ragavan & N.K. Rastogi. 4th Nano Today Conference, 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Poster presentation
- Nanoparticle enhanced chemiluminescence assay for ultrasensitive detection of Bisphenol-A. K.V. Ragavan, Richa Sharma, Akanksha, N.K. Rastogi and M.S. Thakur. IFCON-2013, CSIR-CFTRI-Mysore, India. Poster presentation
- Functionalized aptamers as nano-bioprobe for ultrasensitive detection of Bisphenol-A in water samples. K.V. Ragavan, L. Sagaya Selvakumar, M.S. Thakur. XXII-ICFoST-2012, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore, India. Poster presentation
- Potentials and limitations of molecular diagnostic methods in food safety. K.V. Ragavan, N. Gokulnath. Food Xplore-09, National level symposium. TNAU, Coimbatore, India. Oral presentation
- Biodiesel from algae. K.V. Ragavan, Vikram B Singh. BioZest-06, National level student technical symposium, PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi, India. Paper and oral presentation
- Biodiesel from algae. K.V.Ragavan. College level technical symposium, Sri Nandhanam College of Engineering and Technology, Tirupattur, India. Technical paper