Dr. Bhoje Gowd E.

- Dr. Bhoje Gowd E.
- Senior Principal Scientist
- [email protected]
- +919048427911
Bhoje Gowd was born in Kummara Nagepalli, Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Tech) in Polymer Science and Technology from Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh and his Ph.D. from University of Pune, Pune (work carried out at National Chemical Laboratory under the guidance of Dr. C. Ramesh). He worked as a post-doctoral fellow in Prof. Kohji Tashiro’s group at Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan and as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Prof. Manfred Stamm’s group at Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, Germany. After a short stay at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore as a Centenary post-doctoral fellow in Prof. S. Ramakrishnan’s group, he joined CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Trivandrum as a DST Ramanujan Fellow. In 2011, he accepted the senior scientist position at CSIR-NIIST. He was awarded the IUSSTF research fellowship in 2014 by Indo - US Science &Technology Forum and availed that fellowship at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA. In 2018, he has been awarded the Raman Research Fellowship by CSIR to carry out the research at National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan in Prof. Rong-Ming Ho’s group. Recently, he has been elected as the Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). His research interests are in the areas of polymer self-assembly, nanostructured materials, biodegradable polymers, polymer/inorganic hybrid nanocomposites, and polymer-solvent complexes.
Professional Experience
- Dec 2018 – till now : Senior Principal Scientist & Professor, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum
- Dec 2014 – Dec 2018 : Principal Scientist & Associate Professor, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum
- Mar 2018 – Jun 2018 : Raman Research Fellow,National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Dec 2011 – Dec 2014 : Senior Scientist & Assistant Professor, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum
- Mar 2014 – May 2014 : Visiting Scientist, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
- Aug 2010 – Aug 2015 : Ramanujan Fellow, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum
- Nov 2009 – Jul 2010 : Centenary Fellow, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India
- Nov 2007 – Oct 2009 : Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Science (IPF), Dresden, Germany
- Aug 2005 – Oct 2007 : Post-Doctoral Fellow, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan
Professional Recognitions
- President, Humboldt Club of Kerala
- Chairman, Subject group: Polymers and Organic Materials, Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), India
- Council Member, The Society for Polymer Science, India
- Convener, Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), Trivandrum Chapter (2019-2021)
- Member, Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), Trivandrum Chapter
- Joint Secretary, SPSI, Trivandrum Chapter
- Member, SPSI, Trivandrum Chapter
- Member, The Indian Institute of Metals (IIM), Trivandrum Chapter
Professional Affiliations
- Life member of Society for Polymer Science, India
- Life member of Chemical Research Society of India, India
- Life member of Materials Research Society of India, India
- Life member of Indian Institute of Metals, India
- Life member of Academy of Microscope Science and Technology
- Life member of Indian Society for Advancement of Materials and Processing Engineering
- Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2020 onwards)
- Member of The Society of Plastics Engineers
- Member of American Chemical Society (2008)
- Member of Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2005-2007 & 2017)
- Member of American Physical Society (2008)
- Member of International Polymer Processing Society (PPS) (2018-2019)
Professional Activities
- Reviewer for DST, SERB, RAK-CAM (UAE), CSIR, BIRAC, IIT (Kharagpur) and KSCSTE funded project proposals
- Reviewed manuscripts for the publication in the following journals: Macromolecules, Chemical Communications, Chemical Science, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, ACS Applied Nano Materials, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Crystal Engineering Communication, Composites Communications, Langmuir, Soft Matter, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Polymer Science: Part A, Polymer Chemistry, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B, Polymer Physics, Polymer, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Materials Chemistry and Physics, ACS Omega, Analyst, RSC Advances, European Polymer Journal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Polymer Crystallization, Polymer Composites, Applied Surface Science, Current Science, Bulletin of Material Science, Journal of Electronic Materials, Frontiers in Chemistry, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, Polymer Engineering & Science, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research, Fire and Materials, Polymer Testing, Journal of Applied Polymer Science and Macromolecular Symposia.
Organizing Activities
- Co-Convener, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM-2019), CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, December 9-10, 2019
- Convener, Short Course on Polymer Science and Indo-Japan Joint Symposium on Polymeric Materials, January 31- February 1, 2017
- Co-Convener, Advances in Polymer Science and New Generation Technologies SPSI-ACS JUBILEE SYMPOSIUM (MACRO-2017) January 8-12, 2017
- Member, 12th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates (POLYSOLVAT-12), Grenoble, France (September 2018)
- Member & Session Chair, 10th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Salerno, Italy (September 2014)
- Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM-2014), CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India (2014)
- Session Chair & Organizer, 3rd Federation of Asian Polymer Societies (FAPS) Polymer Congress and Macro 2013, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India (2013)
- Member, Organizing Committee, NANO INDIA 2013, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India (2013)
- Member, Organizing Committee, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Polymer Science and Technology (NSRTPST), Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, India (2013)
- Member, Organizing Committee, 14th National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-14) & 6th CRSI-RSC Symposium in Chemistry, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India (2012)
- Member, Organizing Committee, National Seminar on Advances in Polymeric Materials, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, India (2012)
- Member, International Scientific & Advisory Board, The 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju Island, Korea (2011)
- Session Chair, Second International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC - 2010), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India (2010)
Academic Honors, Awards & Fellowships
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry: Polymer Chemistry (2022 – present)
- Guest Editor, European Polymer Journal (2022)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London (2020) under the "Leaders in the Field" category
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board of SPE Polymers (Published by Wiley) (2020 - Present)
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Experienced Researcher, Germany (2020)
- Pioneering Investigator by RSC Polymer Chemistry (2019)
- Professor Kaushal Kishore Memorial Award of The Society for Polymer Science, India (SPSI) (2018)
- Raman Research Fellowship, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, GoI (2017-2018)
- Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal (2016)
- IUSSTF Research Fellowship, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (2013-2014)
- Ramanujan Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (2010-2015)
- Centenary Fellowship, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India (2009-2011)
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Germany (2007-2009)
- Bruce Hartmann Award for Young Scientist, 2006, Polychar-14, IUPAC Conference, Japan
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship of Toyota School Foundation, Japan (2005-2007)
- Senior Research Fellowship awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India (2000-2003)
- Best Young Student Award, 2002, Macro 2002, The Society for Polymer Science, India
- A Best Student Paper Award (Macromolecules 35, 8509, 2002), SPSI, Pune Chapter, India
Best Paper/Poster/Oral Presentation
- Jefin Parukoor Thomas, Akhila N S, E. Bhoje Gowd – Phytic Acid Modified Boron Nitride Nanosheets as Sustainable Filler for Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) – National Conference on New Developments in Polymeric Materials (DPM-2023), TVM, March 2 & 3, 2023 (Selected Best Poster Award)
- Ashitha George, Achu Chandran, K. P. Surendran, E. Bhoje Gowd – Isotropic and Directionally Ice Templated Nylon 11 Aerogels: Structure and Piezoelectric Properties – National Conference on New Developments in Polymeric Materials (DPM-2023), TVM, March 2 & 3, 2023 (Selected Best Poster Award)
- Vipin G. Krishnan, E. Bhoje Gowd – Polymer-based Aerogels: Alternatives to Conventional Porous Monolithic Materials – Organized as part of the Curtain Raiser of the One Week One Lab (OWOL) Program on the occasion of National Science Day (2023), CSIR-NIIST, TVM, February 28, 2023 (Selected for Best Presentation Award (2nd prize))
- Akhila N S, Vipin G. Krishnan, Jefin Parukoor Thomas, E. Bhoje Gowd – Temperature Induced Structural Changes in Poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) Aerogels – National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Technology (NCMST-2022), TVM, December 28 - 30, 2022 (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- Vipin G. Krishnan, Praveena N. M, Amal Raj R. B, E. Bhoje Gowd – Thermoreversible Gels of Poly(ʟ-lactide)/Poly(ᴅ-lactide) Blends: A Facile Route to Prepare Blend α-Form and Stereocomplex Aerogels – International Conference on Science and Technology of Polymers and Advanced Materials through Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industry, (SPSI MACRO 2022), Pune, November 2 - 4, 2022 (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- Vipin G. Krishnan, Praveena N. M, Amal Raj R. B, E. Bhoje Gowd – Co-crystalline Thermoreversible Gels of Poly(ʟ-lactide)/Poly(ᴅ-lactide) Blends: A Facile Route to Prepare Blend α-Form and Stereocomplex Aerogels – 3rd International Conference on Crystal Engineering: From Molecule to Crystal (CEFMC - 2022), Pahalgam, Jammu & Kashmir, August 31 – September 2, 2022 (Selected for Best Paper Award for Poster Presentation)
- Ashitha George, Achu Chandran, K. P. Surendran, E. Bhoje Gowd – Isotropic and Directionally Ice-Templated Nylon-11 Aerogels: Structure and Piezoelectric Properties – International Conference on Chemistry and Applications of Soft Materials (CASM-2022), CSIR-NIIST, TVM, July 25 - 27, 2022 (Selected for RSC Advances Best Poster Award)
- Ashitha George, K. P. Surendran, E. Bhoje Gowd – Preparation and Characterization of Piezoelectric Nylon 11 Aerogel – National Webinar on Recent Advances in Physics of Materials (RAPM-2021), CSIR-NIIST, TVM, December 9 - 10, 2021 (Selected for Best Poster Award (3rd prize ))
- Vipin G Krishnan and E. Bhoje Gowd – Nanoporous Crystalline Aerogels of Syndiotactic Polystyrene: Polymorphism, Dielectric, Thermal and Acoustic Insulation Properties – MRSI -International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM-2021), through MS Teams online platform, March 26-27, 2021 (Selected for Best Presentation Award)
- G. Virat and E. Bhoje Gowd – Role of Polymer Chain Packing on Photophysical Properties of Poly(L-lactide) Substituted Tetraphenylethylene – International Conference on Advanced Materials & Technology (ICMAT-20), JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru, India, January 16-18, 2020 (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- Jerin K Pancrecious, E. Bhoje Gowd and T.P.D.Rajan – Wear and Corrosion Performance of NiB-Layered Double Hydroxide Composite Coatings Fabricated by Electroless Process on A356 Aluminium Alloy – IIM Research Scholars Symposium - 2019, CSIR-NIIST, TVM (Selected for Best Presentation Award)
- Deepthi Krishnan, Amal Raj, E. Bhoje Gowd – Directed Assembly of Hierarchical Supramolecular Block Copolymers: A Strategy to Create Donor-Acceptor Charge Transfer Stacks – National Seminar on Advanced Functional Materials for Analytical, Energy, Environmental and Biomedical Applications (NSAFM-2019), Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, India, March 25-27, 2019. (Selected for Best Presentation Award)
- Jerin K Pancrecious, E. Bhoje Gowd and T.P.D.Rajan – Corrosion inhibition of modified Ni-Al-Layered double hydroxide on A356 Alloy – MRSI Annual Technical meeting - 2019, CSIR-NIIST, TVM (Selected for Best Presentation Award)
- A.M. Joseph, K.P. Surendran and E. Bhoje Gowd – Development of ultra-low and near to air dielectric constant materials from syndiotactic polystyrene based composites and aerogel – MRSI Annual Technical meeting - 2018, IISER TVM (Selected for Best Paper Award)
- Deepthi Krishnan and E. Bhoje Gowd – Influence of Additives on the Formation of Block Copolymer-based Supramolecular Bulk and Thin Films and their Microdomain Control – Indo-Japan Joint Symposium on Polymeric Materials, Thiruvananthapuram, India, 31st January – 1st February 2017. (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- P.Shaiju, N.S. Murthy and E. Bhoje Gowd – Molecular, Crystalline and Lamellar Length-scale Changes in the Poly(ʟ-lactide) (PLLA) during Cyclopentanone (CPO) Desorption in PLLA/CPO Co-crystals – Annual Technical Meeting, Material Research Society of India, Trivandrum Chapter, at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, India, April 02, 2016. (Selected for Best Presentation Award)
- Sijla Rosely, B. Nagendra and E. Bhoje Gowd - Highly dispersed polymer nanocomposites prepared by delamination of layered double hydroxides in polymer solutions - at the 27th AGM of MRSI & MRSI North East Symposium, held at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, India during February 18-20, 2016. (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- B. Nagendra, Sijla Rosely and E. Bhoje Gowd - Influence of Different Types of Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) on the Physical Characteristics of Polypropylene/LDH Nanocomposites - at Polymer Conference for Young Researchers (PCYR-2015) held at CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, India on December 18, 2015. (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- P.Shaiju, N.S. Murthy and E. Bhoje Gowd – Temperature Induced Structural Changes in the Co-crystal formed by Poly(L-lactic acid) and Cyclopentanone – National Seminar on Green Analytical Techniques (NASGAT-2015), Department of Chemistry, D.B. College, Sasthamcotta, Kollam, India, September 09-10, 2015. (Selected for Best Presentation Award)
- B. Nagendra and E. Bhoje Gowd - Highly dispersed layered double hydroxides/polymer nanocomposites National Seminar on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (FPAM-2014), Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India, November 05-07, 2014. (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- B. Nagendra and E. Bhoje Gowd – Synthesis of highly exfoliated hydrophobic polymer/layered double hydroxides nanocomposites: Structure and morphology characterization International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM-2014), CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India, February 19-21, 2014. (Selected for Best Poster Award)
- M. Mohan Raj, C. Ramesh and E. Bhoje Gowd – Syndiotactic polystyrene-Solvent complex: Study on the effect of solvent type Indo-French conference, March 2-4, 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India Poster presented in National Science Day Celebrations - 2011 of National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India (Selected for Best Poster Award in the area of Physical/Materials Sciences)
- E. Bhoje Gowd, Naoya Shibayama and Kohji Tashiro - Thermally induced phase transitions in the uniaxially-oriented d form of syndiotactic polystyrene An international conference POLYCHAR-14, World forum on advanced materials 2006, Nara, Japan. (Selected as an Outstanding Presentation)
- E. Bhoje Gowd, S. S. Nair and C. Ramesh* - Crystalline transitions of the clathrate (d) form of syndiotactic polystyrene during heating: Studies using high temperature X-ray diffraction National Science Day Celebrations - 2003 of National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India (Selected for Best Paper Award)
- E. Bhoje Gowd, S. S. Nair and C. Ramesh* - Crystalline transitions of the clathrate (d) form of syndiotactic polystyrene during heating: Studies using high temperature X-ray diffraction National Science Day Celebrations - 2003 of National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India (Selected for Best Paper Award)
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Dr. Praveena N M Former PhD student (2016-21) Presently: HST @ Govt. Boys High School, Kozhikode Email: veenapravi2008[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Lakshmi V Former CSIR - RA (2018-21) Presently: Lecturer @ GEC Barton Hill, Trivandrum Email: lekshmyv86[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Sijila Rosely C V Former PhD student (2014-19) Presently: Post doctoral fellow @ CUSAT, Kochi Email: sijlacv[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Deepthi Krishnan Former PhD student (2014-19) Presently: Lecturer @ NSS College Pandalam Email: deepthikrishnan1990[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Jerin K Pancrecious Presently: CSIR - RA @ CSIR - NIIST, Trivandrum Former PhD student (2014-19) Email: jpancrecious[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Angel Mary Joseph Former PhD student (2013-18) Presently: Assistant Professor @ St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad Email: angelmaryjoseph25[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Baku Nagendra Former PhD student (2012-17) Presently: Post doctoral fellow @ University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy Email: bakunagendra[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. Shaiju P Former PhD student (2012-17) Presently: Lecturer @ SN college, Kollam Email: shaijudarsan[at]gmail.com |
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Dr. S Nagarajan Former CSIR - RA (2013-16) Presently: Post doctoral fellow @ National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Email: nagarajan.tech[at]yahoo.com |
Former Project Assistants & Technical Assistants
- Mr. Robbinson C. Jose (2011-12)
- Dr. Nisha Kumari (2014)
- Mr. Sivaprasad V (2015-18)
- Mr. Mukesh C M (2020-21)
- Ms. Ajitha A (2020-22)
- Mrs. Athmaja D V (2020-23)
MSc./M.tech project students
- Mr. V.J. Arun M.Sc. Thesis (2011) (Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala)
- Mrs. C. Rijisha M.Sc. Thesis (2013) (Government College Kasaragod, Kasaragod, Kerala)
- Mr. A. Kuberan M.Sc. Thesis (Indian Academy of Sciences) (2013) (Aditanar College of Arts and Science, Tiruchendur, TN)
- Ms. Rincy Sebastian M.Sc. Thesis (2015) (Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala)
- Mr. B.S. Gokul M.Sc. Thesis (2015) (Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala)
- Ms. M. Drisya M.Sc. Thesis (2016) (St. Michael’s College, Cherthala, Kerala)
- Ms. Nisha Job M.Sc. Thesis (2016) (Department Of Chemistry, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta, Kerala)
- Mr. Palmurukan M.R M.Sc. Thesis (2017)(Department Of Applied Chemistry, CUSAT, Cochin, Kerala)
- Mrs. Kajal Francis M.Sc. Thesis (2017) (St. Michael’s College, Cherthala, Kerala)
- Ms. Sanasha M.Sc. Thesis (2017) (Government College, Attingal, Kerala)
- Mrs. Navya Elias M.Sc. Thesis (2018)(CIPET- IPT Kochi, Cochin, Kerala, India)
- Ms. Namitha Ashokan M.Sc. Thesis (2018) (Government College Kasaragod, Kasaragod, Kerala)
- Ms. Amrutha Krishnan K M.Sc. Thesis (Indian Academy of Sciences) (2018)(Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala)
- Ms. Juviya Mathew M.Sc. Thesis (2019)(CIPET- IPT Kochi, Cochin, Kerala, India)
- Mr. Sujith Nadarajan M.Sc. Thesis (Indian Academy of Sciences) (2019) (CIPET- IPT Kochi, Cochin, Kerala, India)
- Ms. Akhila Vikraman Nair M.Sc. Thesis (2019) (Government College, Attingal, Kerala)
- Ms. Akhila Vikraman Nair M.Sc. Thesis (2019) (Government College, Attingal, Kerala)
- Ms. S. Karthika M.Sc. Thesis (2020)(CIPET- IPT Kochi, Cochin, Kerala, India)
- Ms. M. S. Anusree M.Sc. Thesis (2022) (Government College, Attingal, Kerala)
- Ms. V.R. Parvathy M.Sc. Thesis (2022) (MG University, Kottayam, Kerala)
Total Citations as of May 2023: 2332, H-index: 27

- The effect of crosslink density on the cold crystallization behavior of polybutadiene elastomers.
Arpan Datta Sarma*, E. Bhoje Gowd, Amit Das and Gert Heinrich
Express Polymer Letters, 17(7), 690-698 (2023). - Thermoreversible Gels of Poly(l-lactide)/Poly(d-lactide) Blends: A Facile Route to Prepare Blend α-Form and Stereocomplex Aerogels.
Vipin G. Krishnan, N. M. Praveena, R. B. Amal Raj, Kiran Mohan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5(2), 1556-1564 (2023). Link - Introduction to the Special Issue of European Polymer Journal on “Functional Polymers” in commemoration of Professor Swaminathan Sivaram’s 75th birthday.
E. Bhoje Gowd* and Nikhil K.Singha*
European Polymer Journal, 186, 111851 (2023). (Editorial) Link
- Polylactide cocrystals and gels.
N. M. Praveena, N. S. Akhila and E. Bhoje Gowd*
SPE Polymers, 4, 1-13 (2022). (invited article) Link - Dual-Color Emission from Spatially Distributed Quantum Dots in Poly(l-lactide) Films with Diverse Morphologies.
Lakshmi Vijaya, Sruthi Suresh, Rajkumar Patel and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Macro Letters, 11(11), 1272-1277 (2022). Link - High-Performance Flexible Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Electrospun PVDF-BaTiO3 Nanofibers for Self-Powered Vibration Sensing Applications.
B. S. Athira, Ashitha George, K. Vaishna Priya, U. S. Hareesh, E. Bhoje Gowd, Kuzhichalil Peethambharan Surendran*, and Achu Chandran*
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(39), 44239-44250 (2022). Link - Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Layered Double Hydroxides as Multifunctional Fillers for Polypropylene.
Baku Nagendra, Andreas Leuteritz and E Bhoje Gowd*
Chemistry Select, 7 (34), e202201922 (2022). Link - Development of an inter-confirmatory plastic characterization system using spectroscopic techniques for waste management.
U.K.Adarsh, E Bhoje Gowd, Aseefhali Bankapur, V.B.Kartha, Santhosh Chidangil and V.K.Unnikrishnan*
Waste Management, 150, 339-351 (2022). Link - High-Strength, Flexible, Hydrophobic, Sound-Absorbing, and Flame-Retardant Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Polyelectrolyte Complex Aerogels.
Vipin G. Krishnan, C. V. Sijla Rosely, Andreas Leuteritz and E Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 7, 5113-5124 (2022). Link - Main-chain side-chain combined liquid crystalline polymers bearing azobenzene and biphenyl-based mesogens – segregation of the mesogens within two distinct layers.
Gabriel Ogunsola Orodepo, Sujoy Bej, E Bhoje Gowd and S. Ramakrishnan*
Liquid Crystals, 49:7-9, 1020-1030 (2022). (invited article) Link - Crystallization of Polylactides Examined by Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Intra- and Inter-Chain Chiral Interactions.
Yi-Kuan Chao, N. M. Praveena, Kai-Chieh Yang*, E. Bhoje Gowd* and Rong-Ming Ho*
Soft Matter, 18, 2722-2725 (2022). Link - Liquid phase exfoliated nanosheets as multifunctional fillers to semicrystalline polymers.
Sruthi Suresh, Vipin G. Krishnan, Ashitha George, Baku Nagendra, C.V. Sijla Rosely, and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 59, 257-270 (2022). (invited article) Link - Stereocomplex Formation and Hierarchical Structural Changes During Heating of Supramolecular Gels Obtained by Polylactide Racemic Blends.
N.M. Praveena, G. Virat, Vipin G. Krishnan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer, 241, 124530 (2022). Link - Poly(ʟ-lactide)s with Tetraphenylethylene: Role of Polymer Chain Packing on Aggregation-Induced Emission Behavior of Tetraphenylethylene.
G. Virat and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer Chemistry, 13, 838-849 (2022). Link - Infrared bands to distinguish amorphous, meso and crystalline phases of poly(lactide)s: Crystallization and phase transition pathways of amorphous, meso and co-crystal phases of poly(ʟ-lactide) in the heating process.
N. M. Praveena, P. Shaiju, R. B. Amal Raj, and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer, 240, 124495 (2022). Link - Dual Nanomechanics in Anisotropic Porous Covalent Organic Framework Janus-Type Thin Films.
Shibani Mohata, Kaushik Dey*, Surojit Bhunia, Neethu Thomas, E. Bhoje Gowd*, Thalasseril G. Ajithkumar, C. Malla Reddy*, and Rahul Banerjee*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144 (1), 400-409 (2022). Link - Role of layered double hydroxide in enhancing wear and corrosion performance of self-lubricating hydrophobic Ni-B composite coatings on aluminium alloy.
Jerin K.Pancrecious, P.S.Gopika, P.Suja, Sarah Bill Ulaeto, E. BhojeGowd* and T.P.D.Rajan*
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 634, 128017 (2022). Link
- Crystallizing Sub 10 nm Covalent Organic Framework Thin Films via Interfacial–Residual Concomitance.
Ashok Kumar Mahato, Saikat Bag, Himadri Sekhar Sasmal*, Kaushik Dey, Indrajit Giri, Mercedes Linares-Moreau, Carlos Carbonell, Paolo Falcaro*, E. Bhoje Gowd, Ratheesh K Vijayaraghavan* and Rahul Banerjee*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143 (49), 20916-20926 (2021). Link - Nanoporous Crystalline Aerogels of Syndiotactic Polystyrene: Polymorphism, Dielectric, Thermal, and Acoustic Properties.
Vipin G. Krishnan, Angel Mary Joseph, Surendran K. P, and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Macromolecules, 54 (22), 10605-10615 (2021). Link - Ni-Al polyvanadate layered double hydroxide with nanoceria decoration for enhanced corrosion protection of aluminium alloy.
Jerin K. Pancrecious, S. V. Vineetha, Ulaeto Sarah Bill, E. BhojeGowd*, T.P.D.Rajan*
Applied Clay Science, 211, 106199 (2021). Link - Stereocomplexation of Enantiomeric Star-Shaped Poly(lactide)s with a Chromophore Core.
Praveena N. M, Selvaraj Nagarajan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
CrystEngComm, 23, 2122-2132 (2021). Link - Main-chain liquid crystalline polymers bearing periodically grafted folding elements.
Gabriel Ogunsola Orodepo, E. Bhoje Gowd and S. Ramakrishnan*
Polymer Chemistry, 12, 1050-1059 (2021). Link
- Periodically Spaced Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers.
Gabriel Ogunsola Orodepo, E. Bhoje Gowd and S. Ramakrishnan*
Macromolecules, 53, 8775-8786 (2020). Link - Co-assembly of Functionalized Donor-Acceptor Molecules within the Block Copolymer Microdomains via Supramolecular Assembly Approach with Improved Charge Carrier Mobility.
Deepthi Krishnan, Amal Raj R. B, V. S. Prasad and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Soft Matter, 16, 7312-7322 (2020). Link - Precise Control of Grating Density in Periodically Grafted Amphiphilic Copolymers: An Alternate Strategy to Fine-tune the Lamellar Spacing in the Sub-10 nm Regime.
R. Sarkar, E. Bhoje Gowd and S. Ramakrishnan*
Polymer Chemistry, 11, 4143-4154 (2020). Link - Factors influencing the formation of block copolymer-based supramolecular assemblies in bulk and thin films.
K. Deepthi, M. Stamm, and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Materials Today Communications, 24, 101147 (2020). Link - Phytic Acid Modified Boron Nitride Nanosheets as Sustainable Multifunctional Nanofiller for Enhanced Properties of Poly(ʟ-lactide).
C.V.S. Rosely, A.M. Joseph, A. Leuteritz and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8 (4), 1868-1878 (2020). Link - Recent Advances in Block Copolymer-Based Supramolecules Containing Semiconducting Molecules.
K. Deepthi, R.B. Amal Raj and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Bulletin of Materials Science, 43, 178 (2020). (invited article) Link
- Microstructure Induced Rigidity of Polysiloxane Yielding Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Alkyl Side Chains.
A. Sarkar, L. M. S. Negi, K. M. Lewis, N. Vasimalai, E. Bhoje Gowd, D. Dasgupta*
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 220 (23), 1900408(2019). Link - Improvement in mechanical and structural properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanohybrid.
Dipti S, Dipak R, E. Bhoje Gowd , P Maiti *
SN Applied Sciences, 1 (11), 1363 (2019). Link - Poly(l-lactic acid)/Boron Nitride Nanocomposites: Influence of Boron Nitride Functionalization on the Properties of Poly(l-lactic acid).
C.V.S. Rosely, P. Shaiju and E. Bhoje Gowd*
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123 (40), 8599-8609 (2019) Link - Topochemical polymerization of hierarchically ordered diacetylene monomers within the block copolymer domains.
Deepthi Krishnan, Amal Raj R B and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer Chemistry, 10, 3154-3162 (2019) (invited article) Link - Directed Assembly of Hierarchical Supramolecular Block Copolymers: A Strategy To Create Donor–Acceptor Charge-Transfer Stacks.
Krishnan Deepthi, Raj R. B. Amal, V. R. Rajeev, K. N. Narayanan Unni, and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Macromolecules, 52 (7), 2889-2899 (2019) Link - Sustainable in Situ Approach to Covalently Functionalize Graphene Oxide with POSS Molecules Possessing Extremely Low Dielectric Behavior.
Angel Mary Joseph, Baku Nagendra, K. P. Surendran*, and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Langmuir, 35 (13), 4672-4681 (2019) Link - De-symmetrizing periodically grafted amphiphilic copolymers: design, synthesis and generation of Janus folded chains.
Ramkrishna Sarkar, E. Bhoje Gowd and S. Ramakrishnan*
Polymer Chemistry, 10, 1730-1740 (2019) Link - Small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering study on α′ -to- α transition of Poly(L-lactide acid) crystals.
Jian Hu, Jiping Wang, E Bhoje Gowd, Yuan Yuan, Tongping Zhang, Yongxin Duan, Wenbing Hu, Jianming Zhang
Polymer, 167, 122-129 (2019) Link
- Influence of Boron Nitride Nanosheets on the Crystallization and Polymorphism of Poly(ʟ-lactide).
C.V.S. Rosely, B. Nagendra, V. Sivaprasad and E. Bhoje Gowd*
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122 (12), 6442-6451 (2018) Link - Metal Organic Framework Laden Poly(ethylene oxide) based Composite Electrolytes for all-solid-state Li-S and Li-Metal Polymer Batteries.
S. Suriyakumar, S. Gopi, M. Kathiresan, S. Bose, E. Bhoje Gowd, J.R. Nair, N. Angulakshmi, G. Meligrana, F. Bella, C. Gerbaldi*, and A. M. Stephan*
Electrochimica Acta, 285, 355-364 (2018) Link - Nonsolvent-Induced Morphological Changes and Nanoporosity in Poly(ʟ-lactide) Films.
P. Shaiju, N.S. Murthy and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Soft Matter, 14, 1492-1498 (2018) Link - Aerogels of Hierarchically Porous Syndiotactic Polystyrene with Dielectric Constant Near to Air.
A. M. Joseph, B. Nagendra, P. Shaiju, K.P. Surendran* and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6, 360-368 (2018) Link - Layered Double Hydroxide Nanoplatelets with Ultra High Specific Surface Area for Significantly Improved Polymer Properties.
B. Nagendra, A. M. Joseph, B. Sana, T. Jana and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, 111-121 (2018) Link - Transition-Metal-based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Energy Conversion and Storage.
R. Patel, J.T. Park, M. Patel, J. Dash, E. Bhoje Gowd, R. Karpoormath, A. Mishra, J. Kwak and J. H. Kim
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 12-29 (2018) Link
- Star-Shaped Poly(ʟ-lactide) with a Dipyridamole Core: Role of Polymer Chain Packing on Induced Circular Dichroism and Photophysical Properties of Dipyridamole.
S. Nagarajan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Macromolecules, 50, 5261-5270 (2017) Link - A high-performance BaTiO3-grafted-GO-laden poly(ethylene oxide)-based membrane as an electrolyte for all-solid lithium-batteries.
N. Angulakshmi, G.P. Kar, S. Bose*, E. Bhoje Gowd*, S. Thomas, A. M. Stephan*
Materials Chemistry Frontiers, (RSC) 1, 269-277 (2017) Link - Polypropylene/Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites: Influence of LDH Intralayer Metal Constituents on the Properties of Polypropylene.
B. Nagendra, C.V.S. Rosely, A. Leuteritz, U. Reuter and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Omega, 2, 20-31 (2017) Link
- Screen-Printable Electronic Ink of Ultrathin Boron Nitride Nanosheets.
A. M. Joseph, B. Nagendra, E. Bhoje Gowd* and K.P. Surendran*
ACS Omega, 1, 1220-1228 (2016) Link - Structural Evolution of Poly(ʟ-lactide) Block upon Heating of the Glassy ABA Triblock Copolymers Containing Poly(ʟ-lactide) A Blocks.
S. Nagarajan, D. Krishnan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer, 105, 422-430 (2016) (invited article) Link - Structure and Crystallization Behavior of Syndiotactic Polystyrene/Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocomposites.
B. Nagendra, A. Das, A. Leuteritz and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer International, 65, 299-307 (2016) Link - Molecular, Crystalline and Lamellar Length-scale Changes in the Poly(ʟ-lactide) (PLLA) during Cyclopentanone (CPO) Desorption in PLLA/CPO Co-crystals.
P. Shaiju, N.S. Murthy and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Macromolecules, 49, 224-233 (2016) Link - Structural Phase Transitions of Syndiotactic Polystyrene upon the Guest Extraction Process.
P. Shaiju and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Macromolecular Symposia, 359, 104-110 (2016) Link
- Syndiotactic Polystyrene/Hybrid Silica Spheres of POSS Siloxane Composites Exhibiting Ultralow Dielectric Constant.
A. M. Joseph, B. Nagendra, K.P. Surendran* and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 19474-19483 (2015) Link - Cold Crystallization of PDMS and PLLA in Poly(ʟ-lactide-b-dimethylsiloxane-b-ʟ-lactide) Triblock Copolymer and their Effect on Nanostructure Morphology.
S. Nagarajan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Macromolecules, 48, 5367-5377 (2015) Link - Polypropylene/Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Nanocomposites: Influence of LDH Particle Size on the Crystallization Behavior of Polypropylene.
B. Nagendra, K. Mohan and E. Bhoje Gowd*
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 12399-12410 (2015) (invited article) Link - High-Resolution Metal Nanopatterning by Means of Switchable Block copolymer Templates.
N.C. Bigall,* B. Nandan, E. Bhoje Gowd, A. Horechyy, A. Eychmüller*
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 12559-12569 (2015) Link - Factors Controlling the Structure of Syndiotactic Polystyrene upon the Guest Exchange and Guest Extraction Processes.
P. Shaiju and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer, 56, 581-589 (2015) Link
- Pathways of cylindrical orientation in PS-b-P4VP diblock copolymer thin films upon by solvent vapor annealing.
E. Bhoje Gowd,* T. Koga, M.K. Endoh, K. Kumar, M. Stamm
Soft Matter 10, 7753-7761 (2014) Link - Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-y composites: Influence of LSCO particle size on the structure and dielectric properties.
K. S. Deepa, P. Shaiju, M. T. Sebastian, E. Bhoje Gowd* and J. James*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 17008-17017 (2014) Link
R.C. Jose, P. Shaiju, B. Nagendra and E. Bhoje Gowd*
Polymer 54, 6617-6627 (2013) Link
- Periodically grafted amphiphilic copolymers - Nonionic analogues of ionenes.
Raj Kumar Roy, E. Bhoje Gowd and S. Ramakrishnan*
Macromolecules 45, 3063 - 3069 (2012) Link
- Effect of chain-length of n-alkane on solvent induced crystallization and solvent exchange phenomenon in syndiotactic polystyrene.
E. Bhoje Gowd* and Kohji Tashiro*
Polymer 52, 822-829 (2011) Link
- Supramolecular assembly of poly(styrene)-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) and 1-pyrenebutyric acid in thin film and their use for nanofabrication.
B. Kuila,* E. Bhoje Gowd*, M. Stamm*
Macromolecules 43, 7713 - 7721 (2010) Link - In Situ GISAXS study on solvent vapour induced orientation in PS-b-P4VP block copolymer thin films.
E. Bhoje Gowd,* M. Böhme, M. Stamm
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 14, 012015 (2010) Link - Hexagonally ordered arrays of metallic nanodots from thin films of functional block copolymers.
E. Bhoje Gowd,* B. Nandan, N.C. Bigall, A. Eychmüller, P. Formanek and M. Stamm
(Highlighted by "Noteworthy Chemistry", a news weekly published electronically by the American Chemical Society, June 28, 2010),
Polymer, 51, 2661-2667 (2010) Link
- Highly ordered palladium nanodots and nanowires from switchable block copolymer thin films.
E. Bhoje Gowd,* B. Nandan, M.K. Vyas, N.C. Bigall, A. Eychmüller, H. Schlörb and M. Stamm
Nanotechnology 20, 415302 (2009) Link - Arrays of inorganic nanodots and nanowires using nanotemplates based on switchable block copolymer supramolecular assemblies.
B. Nandan,* E. Bhoje Gowd,* N.C. Bigall, A. Eychmüller, P. Formanek, P. Simon and M. Stamm
(This article was listed as one of the most downloaded article from Advanced Functional Materials in July 2009),
Advanced Functional Materials 19, 2805 - 2811 (2009) Link - Fabrication of metallic microtubes using self-rolled polymer tubes as templates.
K. Kumar,* B. Nandan, V. Luchnikov, E. Bhoje Gowd and M. Stamm*
Langmuir 25, 7667 - 7674 (2009) Link - Structural phase transitions of syndiotactic polystyrene.
E. Bhoje Gowd, C. Ramesh and Kohji Tashiro*
Progress in Polymer Science 34, 280 - 315 (2009) Link
- Role of solvent molecules as a trigger for the crystal phase transition of syndiotactic polystyrene/solvent complex.
E. Bhoje Gowd,* Kohji Tashiro* and C. Ramesh
Macromolecules 41, 9814 - 9818 (2008) Link - Structural correlation between crystal lattice and lamellar morphology in the phase transitions of uniaxially oriented syndiotactic polystyrene (d and de forms) as revealed by simultaneous measurements of wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scatterings.
E. Bhoje Gowd and Kohji Tashiro*
Macromolecules 41, 2541 - 2547 (2008) Link
- Structural changes during thermally induced phase transitions observed for uniaxially oriented d form of syndiotactic polystyrene.
E. Bhoje Gowd, N. Shibayama and Kohji Tashiro*
Macromolecules 40, 6291 - 6295 (2007) Link - Effect of solvent molecules on phase transition phenomena of syndiotactic polystyrene.
E. Bhoje Gowd and Kohji Tashiro*
Macromolecules 40, 5366-5371 (2007) Link
- Structural changes in thermally induced phase transitions of uniaxially oriented δ form of syndiotactic polystyrene investigated by temperature-dependent measurements of X-ray fiber diagrams and polarized infrared spectra.
E. Bhoje Gowd, N. Shibayama and Kohji Tashiro*
Macromolecules 39, 8412-8418 (2006) Link - Thermally-induced phase transitions in the uniaxially oriented d form of syndiotactic polystyrene.
E. Bhoje Gowd, N. Shibayama and Kohji Tashiro*
Macromolecular Symposia 242, 257-261 (2006) Link - Effect of poly(ethylene glycol) on the solid-state polymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate).
E. Bhoje Gowd and C Ramesh*
Polymer International 55, 340-345 (2006) Link
- Morphological consequences of interchange reactions during solid-state copolymerization in poly (ethylene terephthalate) and polycarbonate oligomers.
E. Bhoje Gowd and C. Ramesh*
Polymer 46, 7443-7449 (2005) Link - Main chain thermotropic liquid crystalline polyurethanes containing biphenyl mesogens based on novel AB-type self-polycondensation route: FT-IR and XRD studies.
T. Ranganathan, E. Bhoje Gowd, C. Ramesh and Anil Kumar*
Journal of Polymer science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 43, 1903-1912 (2005) Link
- Effect of molecular orientation on the crystallization and melting behavior of poly (ethylene terephthalate) fiber.
E. Bhoje Gowd, C. Ramesh,* M. S. Byrne, N. Sanjeeva Murthy, and J. Radhakrishnan
Polymer 45, 6707-6712 (2004) Link
- Studies on the Clathrate (δ) Form of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Crystallized by Different Solvents Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.
E. Bhoje Gowd, S. S. Nair, C. Ramesh* and K. Tashiro
Macromolecules 36, 7388-7397 (2003) Link
- Crystalline transitions of the clathrate (δ) form of syndiotactic polystyrene during heating: Studies using high-temperature X-ray diffraction.
E. Bhoje Gowd, S. S. Nair and C. Ramesh*
Macromolecules 35, 8509-8514 (2002) Link - High temperature X-ray diffraction studies on the crystalline transitions in the α and γ forms of nylon 6.
C. Ramesh* and E. Bhoje Gowd
Macromolecules 34, 3308-3313 (2001) Link - Studies on the crystallization and melting behavior of poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate).
N. R. James, E. Bhoje Gowd, C. Ramesh* and S. Sivaram
Int. J. Polym. Mat., 50, 335-344 (2001) Link
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Mr. Vipin G Krishnan UGC - SRF Area: Polymeric Aerogels for applications Email: viping.msd[at]gmail.com |
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Mr. G Virat CSIR - SRF Area: Star-shaped polymers with ACQ & AIE properties Email: virat.brahma[at]gmail.com |
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Mrs. Sruthi Suresh CSIR - SRF Area: Polymer/Layered Materials Composites Email: sruthisureshsopanam1[at]gmail.com |
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Ms. Ashitha George UGC - SRF Area: Piezoelectric polymer properties & applications Email: ashithag07[at]gmail.com |
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Mrs. Akhila N S UGC - SRF Area: P3HB polymer properties & applications Email: akhilans97[at]gmail.com |
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Ms. Jefin Parukoor Thomas UGC-SRF Area: Polymer/2D quantum dots composites Email: jefinparukoorthomas[at]gmail.com |
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Ms. Mumthaz Salim Area: Chromophore appended biopolymers and their applications CSIR - JRF Email: mumthaz.salim97[at]gmail.com |
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Mr. Muhammed Nasik K UGC - JRF Area: Block copolymer properties and their applications Email: knasik[at]gmail.com |
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Mr. Amal Raj R B Project Assistant II Email: [email protected] |
- Nanostructures based on self-assembly of block copolymers
- Crystallization and morphology of multiphase polymeric systems (in particular biodegradable polymers, block copolymers, conducting polymers, and nanocomposites)
- Polymer/inorganic hybrid materials
- Polymer-solvent complexes and intercalates
- Structural characterization of polymer materials by X-ray scattering techniques
Research Areas

High Performance Biodegradable Polymers
Biobased and biodegradable thermoplastics have become competitive commodity materials to petroleum-based thermoplastics over the past decade. Among them, polylactide being a commodity plastic used to make fibres and packaging films, is used in biomedical implants, surgical sutures, and bone fixation devices. One of the major drawbacks of polylactide is its poor crystallization rate, toughness and low crystallinity.
Our interests in this area are:
- Understanding the structure-formation mechanism in biodegradable polymers and their impact on material properties
- The fundamental understanding of stereocomplex formation and the molecular recognition in helical polymers
- Development of biodegradable nanocomposites and biopolymer aerogels for multifunctional applications
- Transparent packaging films by retaining the polymer crystallinity
- Development of bio-based polymers with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) and aggregation caused quenching (ACQ) characteristics with prospected applications in bio-imaging and medical/pharmaceutical fields

Self-assembly of Block Copolymers
Our research focuses on nanostructured polymers with the aim of opening up new areas of applications and clarifying the relevant science in the field. For many practical applications of these nanostructures, it is necessary to have knowledge on the conditions that lead to the formation of a certain structure in the nanometer range.
We are interested in:
- Block copolymer based nanoscopic structures (both in bulk and in thin films) formed by self-assembly
- Tuning the nanostructure morphologies of semicrystalline block copolymers by controlling the interplay between crystallization and microphase separation
- Understanding the factors that control the orientation of block copolymer microdomains and the mechanism of orientational changes of microdomains formed in block copolymer thin films
- Multi-component hierarchical self-assembly of donor and acceptor molecules within the block copolymer microdomains in the solid state through the non-covalent interactions
- Integration of polymerizable small molecules within the block copolymer templates for the generation of supramolecular photopolymerizable materials

High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites
Polymer-based nanocomposites filled with nanosized stiff particles have evolved and attracted great interest from both industry and academia during the last two decades. The performance of polymer nanocomposites strongly depends on the degree of dispersion and aspect ratio of nanofillers in the polymer matrices. Our group mainly focuses on nanofillers like synthetic clays, i.e., layered double hydroxides (LDH), boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs), polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS), zirconium phosphate, etc. We cover the complete range of synthesis-structure-property towards the development of multifunctional polymer nanocomposites.
Our major research themes in this area are as follows
- Development of multifunctional fillers for semicrystalline polymers
- Development of sustainable flame retardant fillers for biodegradable polymers
- Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites with enhanced thermal, mechanical, optical and flame retardant properties
- Preparation of two-dimensional quantum dots and their nanocomposites
- Tuning the dielectric, EMI shielding and piezoelectric properties of polymers (in collaboration with Dr. K.P. Surendran and Dr. Achu Chandran)
- Anticorrosive coatings for aluminum alloys (in collaboration with Dr. T.P.D. Rajan)

Multifunctional Gels and Aerogels
Polymer gels are typically formed through a three-dimensional network based on physical aggregation such as polymer crystallization, complex formation, phase separation or multiple noncovalent interactions instead of covalent bonds. In certain cases, the solvent used for the physical gelation of polymers can form crystalline complexes (cocrystals, where the solvent molecules are accommodated within the crystal lattice of the polymer. Our group mainly focuses on gel formation using such systems. We are using an environmentally benign freeze-drying technique for the extraction of solvents from the gels and the resultant aerogels have nanopores within the crystal lattice (crystalline nanoporous aerogels).
Our group’s interests in this area are:
- Understanding the gelation behavior of semicrystalline polymers and their blends using a solvent that is capable of forming crystalline complexes (cocrystals) with polymers
- Supramolecular gel formation using helical polymers and understanding their hierarchical structure formation
- Preparation and multifunctional applications of polymer aerogels with a three-level hierarchical porosity (identical microporosity (<2 nm) inside the crystalline cavities along with disordered mesopores (2-50 nm) and macropores (>50 nm))

Polymer Crystal Engineering
Polymers offer a great potential to meet the requirements from the market better than other materials since their physical and chemical properties can be easily tailored by their structures at different length scales. The chemical structure at the molecular scale and the morphology at multiple length scales (see Figure) of the polymers determine the mechanical and physical properties of the polymers.
Our group mainly focuses on the following aspects.
- Control of structure and morphology of semicrystalline polymers, and thereby the physical and mechanical properties, by understanding the crystallization behavior of polymers under different environments and conditions
- Understanding the intimate correlation between the chain conformation, crystal structure and the morphological change of stacked lamellae during the phase transition in various semicrystalline polymers
- Polymer co-crystals and polymorphism
- Mesophase-mediated crystallization of polymers

Natural Fibres and Composites
Among various natural fibres produced in India, coconut fibre, commonly known as coir, has the shortest renewable time and stands next to jute fibre in production. India accounts for more than two-thirds of the world’s production of coir and coir products. Kerala is the home of the Indian coir industry, particularly white fibre, accounting for 61 % of coconut production and over 85 % of coir products. Coir has been used for creating environment-friendly products such as mattresses and geotextiles, construction of roads, horticulture, buildings, etc. Recent advances in the field of composite technology paved the development of new coir-based products for the commercial exploitation and diversification of their applications. Over the past several years, CSIR-NIIST has been working in the area of coir fibre composites that acquired unique knowledge and expertise and developed product targeted processes.
CSIR-NIIST focuses on the development of process know-how in the following areas.
- Process development for surface modification of coir fibers using plasma treatment
- Process development for enhancing the longevity of coir geotextiles (coir bhoovastra)
- Biodegradable mulching mats using bio-based polymer and coir composites
- Development of coir based cutleries and binderless boards
- Production of polymer/coir composites for furniture, acoustic and electrical insulation applications

Two-Dimensional Small-Angle /Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS/WAXS)
Two-dimensional small-angle /wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) with variable temperature attachment is installed at CSIR-NIIST in 2013. It covers an angular range corresponding to 0.3 to 50 nm lattice dimension, with an angular resolution of 0.01° (It can be used for both SAXS/WAXS). A large area image plate detector allows us to increase the amount of scattered X-rays to obtain the complete Debye diffraction rings. It is a good addition for a laboratory-like CSIR-NIIST, where the research activities are mainly focused on the areas of nanomaterials, liquid crystalline materials, polymers, biological materials and supramolecular materials.
This facility is open for the industry partnership to understand the structure-property relations of their materials in two complementary length scales. Interested may visit the following site for more details.